The Diagnosys S790 Series2, with its high technical specification hardware and technology, represents the ultimate high-performance, precision test ATE system.
Coupled with CATE™ software for fast effective program production, the S790 Series2 is the ideal solution for addressing todays’ major board test concerns including test program generation, and diagnostic speed and accuracy.
The S790 Series2 - combines advanced hardware and software technologies with intelligent diagnostics providing an ATE that addresses every aspect of electronic PCB test in today’s challenging test environments. Recognized as a leader in its field, the S790 Series2 is widely used in todays’ commercial and defense markets for the precision test of PCBs and electronic assemblies.
At the core of any good test system are good diagnostics - the S790 Series2’s are outstanding. Highly sophisticated software intelligence combines inputs from the many diagnostic tools, including fault history logs, to isolate the root cause of faults with very high precision and speed. Advanced diagnostic intelligence provides efficient fault finding without the need for operator knowledge and experience. A major strength of the S790 Series2 is its diagnostic ability to save time and money on PCB fault identification - an unbeatable, winning formula.
S790 Series2 has an extensive library of IC functional test routines including Western and Russian devices, and it readily integrates with instrumentation for extended analog functional testing. Test methods include in-circuit test, functional edge test, boundary scan test, cluster test , analog test, mixed signal test, Analog signature (VI) test, CPU assisted test , fixtureless test and Bed-of-Nails test. All test methods are integrated in a single graphical Test Plan, or test program, for the long term ease of support.
With the S790 Series2, high data rates and precision timing help ensure the PCB is tested fully and maximum test coverage and fault detection is achieved. It has up to 3840 FlexPins and 960 Universal digital dynamic test channels, and up to 40 MHz data rate. Programmable Protector Tables help ensure the safe in-circuit test of any PCB and handles custom designed devices. Instrument Strategizer allows graphic programming of external integrated instruments, and includes synchronized mixed signal testing for proving hybrid circuits.
A comprehensive Automatic Program Generator (APG) for in-circuit testing combined with a boundary scan solution, which includes serialization of parallel test vectors, facilitates the programming of virtual clusters. S790 Series2 is the only system that is truly backwards compatible with S700 and S7700 test programs providing a no-risk and rapid re-hosting of legacy systems.
The powerful Computer Aided Test Engineering (CATE™) software is at the heart of the S790 Series2, providing an icon based object-orientated interactive graphical environment operating under Linux. CATE provides a highly efficient and effective set of test program development and diagnostic tools all supported with interactive help to ensure you can always use the full capability of the system.